City of Burlington: CMMS Review
Building and negotiating consensus on the strategic path forward with corporate maintenance management systems description
The City had implemented a Maintenance Management system (MMS) 8 years earlier, but the system had not met expectations, implementation was incomplete and overall satisfaction with the solution was low. We conducted a review of all of the City’s current multiple work and maintenance management systems (linear, facilities, and fleet) and supporting business processes. We analyzed the current situation and identified shortcomings and opportunities. We facilitated a market scan and an environmental scan of other municipal MMS implementations - identifying lessons learned. We incorporated findings and research into a recommended strategy, that clearly identified the way forward, resource and budget requirements.
A clear direction on the MMS was set and approved by the IT Governance Committee, budgets and resource requirements were provided to support the budget process
Pop: 180,000
IT Department: 35
Projects: IT Strategy, eGovernment Strategy
Timeline: 6 months