Innisfil: IT Master Plan
The Town was growing rapidly with an innovative leadership team excited to use technology. Unfortunately, the IT team was strapped for resources with only 3 staff at the time. The question was, how can we move the technology agenda forward with so limited a staff base?
We worked with IT and organizational leadership to increase the profile of IT within the Town (bolstered more recently by the Town winning a number of MISA Ontario awards). We recommended, and the Town followed through on growing the IT team with the addition of new resources, including GIS and Business Analyst staff. The Town also used third party vendors, service providers and contracting to augment their limited resource base. A growth in the IT funding operating and capital envelope was also secured and a governance model was established to ensure alignment of technology and business priorities. Major enhancements have been seen around IT customer service and project delivery, GIS and the mobilization of field staff.
Pop: 30,000
IT Department: 3 staff
Project: IT Master Plan
Budget: $40k
Timeline: 5 months
Year: 2015