Burlington - Land Management / Amanda Review
The City of Burlington had long used Amanda as its core business solution for planning, permitting and licensing activities - alongside a variety of other services and processes.
However, frustration at the pace at which advancements had been made, and pressures from SDAF and the Ontario housing crisis prompted a re-evaluation of the situation.
Perry Group’s team of planning, permitting and technology specialists were engaged to help determine the path forward.
Working closely with a working group consisting of stakeholders from across the organization, and funded by SDAF, and subject to tight timelines; our team conducted reviews of key processes and consulted broadly with stakeholders, systems users and those involved in managing the system. We conducted a broad market scan and talked to many municipalities that have recent experience of implementing new systems or enhancing existing ones, we talked with vendors and assessed the various options.
Our recommendations, provided a clear graduated path forward, with budget and resource estimates, timelines and ongoing product management and evolution strategies and tactics.