Housing Affordability: Perry Group Planning and Permitting Modernization Practice

Every municipality across the country is under pressure to build more homes to address the housing affordability crisis.

New and changed legislation is being passed to enable this, new grants and funding are available, and as a result councils and municipalities are looking closely at people, process, and technology changes to accelerate development approvals, housing starts and occupancies.

While you might see Perry Group as a technology and digital strategy firm - we think of ourselves more as a service modernization firm and over the past 3 or 4 years we have been working with many organizations to bring our strategic thinking and service modernization chops to help re-think and redesign services and help clients land people, process and technology changes to help them deliver truly digital first services.

One area in which we have been working a lot is in the planning and permitting modernization space.

Over the past 3 years we have built a multi-disciplinary practice which includes specialists in planning and permitting systems, service and process design, GIS and data, web content design, project and change management and of course subject matter experts from municipal Planning and Building departments that have led the space in adopting digital approaches.

With this team we have been working with various organizations, including Burlington, Cambridge, Thunder Bay, Waterloo and Windsor and many others to help navigate the complexities of modernizing practices, responding to new legislation, exploring and setting suitable technology strategies, and actively helping them design and launch new and improved services - which are digital through and through.

We've helped Thunder Bay set their planning, permits and licensing technology strategy, built an implementation roadmap, reviewed and revised business processes . We've supported them through implementation, with project advisory services, change management support and helped them launch new online services in record time. We've helped Windsor re-think their development approvals framework, organization and process models, and set their planning and permitting technology strategy.

If you are looking for help in this area. We have the experience, knowledge, and know-how to help get you going in the right direction. Get in touch.


Perry Group and MISA Canada Webinar: The City of Thunder Bay's digital journey


Welcome Back Steve Grisé